Some of you might remember the movie by the same name from 1987. Roxanne is an amusing comedy about a small-town firefighter, C.D. Bales (Steve Martin), who becomes smitten with a newcomer in town, Roxanne Kowalski (Daryl Hannah). Sadly, he is self-conscious about his exceedingly long nose. Much hilarity ensues when C.D. tries to help a friend “woo” the fair maiden.
One of my favorite lines in the movie comes during a bar scene when C.D. gets involved in an insult-slinging “bar fight”. He’s challenged to come up with 20 insults about his own nose. One of the best… “it must wonderful to wake up in the morning and smell the coffee… in Brazil.” (ha ha ha). Well, I have a new appreciate for that this morning.
Last night, as I was setting up my coffee pot for this morning, I opened a new bag of coffee and it smelled REALLY good. It made me wonder why the coffee this week hasn’t been so tasty-most likely it’s been operator error. But, my quest for an answer sent me to the already open bag of coffee I’ve been using. I lifted a generous mound in the coffee scoop with every intention of sniffing it to determine if it smelled as tasty as the newly opened bag. I could tell as I lifted it that it didn’t have the same tasty aroma, but I sniffed anyway. Somehow, I was distracted in the sniffing process and I sniffed too efficiently. When I got up this morning, I was still blowing coffee grounds out of my nose – yuck.
I can say with complete certainty that the old coffee has lost it’s charm and I’m sticking with the new bag. I may even get a copy of Roxanne from NetFlix this week…. just for old time’s sake.
Now, I know you’re probably needing a little extra boost these days. But that’s a little extreme, don’t you think?