Nichole challenged me, and I was so distracted getting ready for our vacation, I didn’t even know it. I’m supposed to write 7 random things about myself that most folks might not know. Hmmmm?
1. I was an original Duran Duran fan, with posters on the walls and everything. This is a fact about which Mark, Phoebe and many others routinely give me a hard time.
2. Until our beach vacation at Topsail Island last year, I was NOT a big fan of the beach. I don’t like “sand in my shoes” or anywhere else for that matter. But…. seeing the kids REALLY enjoy the beach changed my feelings.
3. I played tennis all through High School and would love to take it up again. Happily… Sam, Sophie and Wils think that they would like to try it.
4. I don’t really enjoy eating out very much and prefer to eat at home. I love to cook and don’t mind the cleanup, but am REALLY happy when Mark wants to do that.
5. I actually own, and use, an iPod. My brother cheerfully pointed out that I’ve only used a fraction of the capacity….. but I do use it.
6. At one time I thought I would go to Med School, but I’m so glad I didn’t do that. I much prefer my current circumstances-no matter how hectic.
7. I don’t like to fly over large bodies of water. So, the chances of my seeing Paris, or Hawaii, or Austrailia are very slim. I’m not sure there are enough sedatives….