On the Road Again

Last week, before the latest round of the stomach flu hit us, we went on a road trip to Williamsburg, Virginia for four days.  We spent the better part of two days in and around Williamsburg.  The other days we spent in Jamestown and Yorktown. Sophie and Wilson dressed in period costume and ran errands in town.  Wilson’s errands included a trip to “Militia Training” at the Armory.  Both Sophie and Wilson worked in the community garden and visited the Post Office.  Sam was not so much into the “roll playing”, but really enjoyed the living history lessons.  He especialy enjoyed the “Revoluntionary City” live street play.

Baby Claire looks on...


We spent one morning at the Jamestown National Historic Site. We enjoyed a great presentation by one of the Park Rangers, toured the site, visited the on-site archeological dig (in action), and spent some time at the on site museum. We also spent some time at the Glassblowing building, on the way into the park, where we watched glass blowing actually taking place. Very neat! On Saturday, we spent the day at Yorktown and the Yorktown National Battlefield. The kids all completed the Jr. Ranger requirements and earned a patch & certificate. If you’re not familiar with the National Park System’s Jr. Ranger program, it’s a great way for kids to experience our national parks. Check out their web site NPS

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