My Apple

Those of you who know me know that I am more classic than cutting edge. However, I did make a change last January that has made a fabulous impact on our home PC life and my organization. When yet another of my PC’s was bogged down with spyware and viruses, to the point that even the local computer guru couldn’t get it clean enough to run more than one application, I defected. At my sister-in-laws suggestion, I bought an Apple Laptop. Seeing as they are MUCH more expensive, I did not get the top of the line model. I bought a MacBook. It has been wonderful!!

Apple is now releasing an update to their operating system that adds even more features to OS X. Check out this link on Apple to see what’s new. Next time you’re ready to upgrade your PC….. think Apple.

Yes, Sophie, we answered your letter……

Sophie is actually having a great second grade year so far, despite the occasional day of moodiness or silliness. She has kept her eye on the ball and is moving ahead nicely. This is a picture of Sophie and Wilson examining their “balloon solar system” in our basement. Today, Sophie is going to get a big surprise. Her name is on the front page of the local section in Rock Hill’s The Herald newspaper. Click the link to read it.

On Monday, while looking a the weekly weather reports, Sophie noticed that several planets would be visible this week. She asked me where to look, and I had no idea. I also had no time to look it up. So, I did the next best thing. I told her to write a letter to the editor of the section to see if they would just print the information in the weather report. Well, they did so much better than that. Parts of her letter, and the answers that she was seeking, are on the front page of the Local Section today.

Thank you Mr. Charles D. Perry for a great article, and for helping Sophie.

The Good Teen

I read this article about teens and their development while waiting for Sam and Sophie at the dentist’s office. We don’t currently have a “teen”. I think we’re on the cusp of having a “pre-teen”. Anyway, the article in this month’s Smithsonian Magazine was very encouraging to me as a mom. It appears that not everyone thinks the teen years have to be bleak and angst filled. The title of the book written by Richard Lerner The Good Teen probably gives more info than you’ll find in the article. If you’re a parent, check it out and be encouraged!

My New Favorite Rice

As if the tremendous number of cookbooks I already own isn’t enough, I have purchased yet another one. We will see in the weeks to come if the “new” Ultimate Southern Living Cookbook is in fact the ultimate.

Sadly though, this recipe comes from and old 1995 or ’96 issue of Southern Living that I have moved 3 times and finally disposed of after removing any helpful information. This issue and many others were finally harvested a few weeks ago. This recipe is wonderful and wonderfully easy. You can make so many versions by changing one thing or another, but the basic recipe is GREAT. Try it. The rice doesn’t even stick to the pan!!

Good Luck!

Our Dad is Great!

Mark is getting ready to leave for his annual convention this week. Some of you may already be panicking on my behalf. Not to worry, he surprised me today. He took the afternoon off and has taken the three older children to the zoo for the day. What a great guy!! I’m off to feed the baby and fold laundry in peace…..

New Puzzle

Okay, well this doesn’t happen everyday. I got an email this morning offering us a free puzzle if we passed on the info via blog or email. I was a little bit skeptical, so I watched the YouTube infomercial about the “Pieceless Puzzle” from Ceaco (Parent Company of GAMEWRIGHT). It’s VERY cool. Click the link here to watch the short movie about this nifty invention the Pieceless Puzzle.

As you can see, we use puzzles frequently for school projects and studies, and often just for fun! Check it out! I think we’ll be trying this new kind for sure.

Pumpkin Patches and Corn Mazes

We always enjoy at least one trip out to a local farm for apple picking, hay rides, pumkin choosing, petting zoos and more. And yes, we always take a lot of allergy medicine. I found this website that lists local farms all over the country with Fall Fun for the entire family. Hope you can find one near you!

Happy Harvest.
Fall 2006 – Windy Hill Orchard