I found a really good article this week on MSN about being more “green”. The author makes some great points about things to avoid, and what to consider when we make our purchasing decisions. For instance, don’t buy a “green” t-shirt just to buy something green. Buy a t-shirt because you NEED a t-shirt. And lets be honest, unless you’re replacing the one good white t-shirt in your wardrobe, who really NEEDS a t-shirt. There’s energy expended in the manufacture of any product, so think about what you’re doing and why.
Probably one of the best things we could do to “go green” would be to consume less as consumers, or to at least consume smarter. Check out the article on MSN for more information. Could it be that some companies would try to “cash in” on going green? Surely not….ha ha ha…
And remember, “if you’re not saving money, you’re probably not saving energy.”