Mr. Walker is in Haiti this New Year’s Day, so we are preparing our traditional New Year’s Day meal in his absence. We know though we are missing him, he is blessing many other people as this new year begins. Last night we began a new family tradition.
It was Jr. Asparagus’s inaugural New Year’s Eve bonfire.
I do have some resolutions this year. 1) I resolve to say “yes” more ….. and “no” less. I am encouraging the children to ask questions that are more likely to result in an affirmative response so that this will be possible. Therefore, they will be thinking more before asking, and I will have greater opportunity to say “YES”. 2) I resolve to find 30 minutes a day for myself, which means that I guess I will be turning those thirty minutes over to “William Bradford” or “the Bean”. If you are reading this, pray for the best. 3) I resolve to help “Tim Allen, Jr.” see a greater percentage of his projects through to completion, and I promise to think about the dog question. 4) I think it’s time for the Recipe Challenge to make another appearance, so that means 52 new recipes this year … and I’ll try to focus on the GF side of things. Last, but not least, 5) I resolve not to sweat the small stuff, or the big stuff for that matter, but rather … “Trust in the LORD with all [my] heart and lean not on [my] own understanding; in all [my] ways submit to him, and [trust that] he will make [my] paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
Happy New Year, 2012!!