18,691,447 seconds …

So, when I opened the laptop and it said (in five languages in the unusual text box) “You must restart your computer” … I knew I was in trouble.

I did restart the laptop, and waited. Then I got a strange and ominous flashing “file” symbol with a BIG question mark in the middle. This did not look good. So I turned the laptop off again.

I decided to remove the battery, and give ‘er another try. Thankfully, this time it worked and all is well. I did go ahead and click the “report” option on the error info screen. I laughed out loud when I read the top line of the error message going back to Apple.

“18691447 seconds since last panic attack.”

LOL!  That’s very interesting.  How does it know?  It seems like it hasn’t been THAT long (216 days), ha ha … or maybe I just have a slightly neurotic laptop.  :-)